The Benefits of Team Sport

Team sport

Team sport provides a context for athletes to engage in social interactions with teammates, coaches, and parents (Fraser-Thomas, Cote, & Deakin, 2005). It also offers an opportunity for youth to develop a wide range of skills and life competencies, which can contribute to positive outcomes across the lifespan.

Team players are encouraged to compete with each other and work together for performance success, and they learn important leadership, coordination, and communication skills from their experience of playing in a sports team. This is particularly true in team sports, where teams often have only a small number of players who compete with each other for starting positions or playing time.

During game play, athletes make snap decisions in fast-paced situations and learn to navigate their way through the pressure of competing with other players. This skill can help them function better under stress in their future lives, including in the workplace or school.

Athletes also learn to conquer their natural instinct to fight or flight in order to take on the stress of a high-pressure situation. This ability can be applied to making deadlines or dealing with stressful situations in the workplace, school, and home.

Many adults play team sports, and they are comparable in popularity to individual sports, such as golf, tennis, and bowling. While team sports are not as popular among adult females as they are among adult males, they are still a popular option for many adults and provide a variety of benefits for those who participate in them.