Hobbies are self-motivated activities in which people find enjoyment and satisfaction without expecting a profit or other tangible rewards. They may involve collecting (e.g. stamps, cars, dolls, plants) or making something – for example woodworking, painting, software projects, cosplaying (design, creation and wearing of a costume based on an already existing creative property), creating models out of card stock or paper – called papercraft or more advanced projects like assembling or restoring a car or building a computer from individual parts.
Hobbies help relieve stress by providing an activity that does not feel like work or chores and they are often relaxing as well. They can also be social if a hobby involves joining a group of people for discussion, cooking or doing the activity together. Hobbies are a great way to meet people with similar interests and to make friends and social connections.
Developing and enjoying a hobby can help you become more patient. Especially with a new hobby, there will be a learning curve and it can take time to develop skills. Hobbies can be used to learn new things about the world, to gain an understanding of history, culture and society. For example, many people enjoy learning a language as a hobby as it can help connect them to others around the world.
Hobbies can be beneficial for children if they are chosen with their genuine interest in mind. They can teach children social, moral and artistic skills that will benefit them for life both personally and professionally. They can also give children a break from the stresses of school and home.